21 Predictions for 2021

Mike Allen
3 min readJan 16, 2021
  1. Trump won’t accept the election result. He’s too demented to do that. Millions of people will never trust the electoral process again.
  2. More people will give up on meat because Covid is actually an animal welfare problem
  3. There will be an international day of remembrance for covid
  4. Work from home will be THE norm
  5. The Post-Covid the gap between the rich and poor will widen.
    Millions were forced onto furlough or lost their job, but if you stayed in work, your expendable income increased because you were likely to have spent less money.
    This ‘two-tier’ economy will continue.
    And income inequality is disastrous for societies.
  6. Business registrations will boom in 2021. I started my first business in 1997 and it was HARD. Now, it’s so much easier and the information and tools to support you is everywhere.
  7. Vaccine hesitancy will divide societies. Less than 60% of people say they’d get the vaccine if it were available to them today. It’ll become the next big culture war; .either you trust in science and put society above your personal views….or you don’t
  8. We’ll be talking about herd immunity again soon. Not everyone will be vaccinated. If you’re likely to be able to survive without hospitalisation, you’ll be left to get it and together with the vaccinated few, contribute to herd immunity.
  9. The impact of climate change will cause more chaos and loss of life. And our shitty, stupid, selfish species will deserve all it gets
  10. The UK will regret Brexit, the shysters that sold to us will all f***-off and write the memoirs from their homes in southern France about how it wasn’t their fault and politicians and the media will gaslight us into believing it was ever something that it’s not and never will be.
  11. Universal Basic Income will get closer to becoming a reality in 2021.
  12. There will be a massive recession, but unlike the 2008 / 2009 global slump, this will be a western recession — Covid will diminish the dominance of wester economies once and for all.
  13. Vaccine hesitancy will divide societies into two camps. Less than 60% of people say they’d get the vaccine if it were available to them today. It’ll become the next big culture war; either you trust in science and put society above your personal views….or you don’t
  14. Declines in mental health over the course of the pandemic are harder to measure than pandemic deaths — but certainly equally significant. Mental health and loneliness will be front and centre in healthcare discussions.
  15. TikTok will become massive this year. It’ll outstrip Instagram and Twitter
  16. Scotland will win the right to hold another referendum and a border poll in Northern Ireland won’t be far behind them. The end of the UK will be very possible. And why would the devolved nations want to be ruled by English public school boys?
  17. There will be a stock market crash, led by Wall Street. To date the economic reality of Covid hasn’t been reflected in stocks, but it will. The greedy will lose lots of money. The savvy investor will get a chance to buy assets at a discount. Bonds will become a useless product in a world overloaded with debt that will never be paid back. Alternative assets will be created, digitally.
  18. The Trump family will file for bankruptcy. Their ‘brand’ is so toxic no business will want to associate themselves with it and only the deranged will want to stay in one of their hotels or property and I will laugh my face off.
  19. Amazon will start deliveries by drone. I know, they’ve been talking about it for ages, but this year it will happen
  20. The University system of eduction will contract rapidly. University degrees, even in the UK, are terrible value for money. Covid has shown it for what it is. LinkedIn Learning or Google Classroom will start accrediting Degrees and you’ll be able to get one in <12 months and they will be well considered by businesses.
  21. Covid (or a Corona Virus like C-19) will still be with us in the Autumn of 2021 and more people will have long Covid and / or Covid related PTSD than cancer. Sorry. Hate to end such an unhappy note. But that’s 2021 for you.

Footnote. I don’t no anything. I’m not a Futurologist. I’m just a bloke.
But Challenge me, let’s see in December 2021



Mike Allen

Innovator, avid learner, mentor, coach and entrepreneur